Your Brothers From The Ethers ~~ We Are All Joined by Invisible Threads ~~ 18.9.05

Backdrop The River of Emotion is a tangled web of intrigue, yet once you understand it, that it is the major component of the Laws of the Universe, then you certainly would endeavour to live your lives with utmost care. Not to cause harm or disharmony to others. Do not lose sight of Who You Are and What You Are. You are not these weak little human beings that you believe yourselves to be. You are enormously wonderful and powerful Beings of Light, who have simply gone to visit there for awhile. You are already all that you can ever be. It has just all slipped your memory for a time. But you will all return back to The Source from whence you came.
Ultimately we are all yearning to find that love, that very powerful Unconditional Love which rises above all other emotions. We are yearning to first understand it fully, to feel it within our very beings and to then live it. For once we can really live it, then we will know deep inside that we have reached home. That we have come home to stay. That we have fully and freely united with our Source. For then we will know not only that we are Him, we will know how it feels to be Him. And that is the reason for all of our journeys and for all of our searchings – to realize this.
Dearest one, the time is right now for this to flow out and into the Universe. We are watching with bated breaths, for now it is a time when your world is sadly in need of help. And we are waiting to send this help, though we cannot without the permission of the one to receive….. for you know of the free will laws do you not?

For every one who begins on their journey – we do celebrate, for we know that it is also an awakening. There are many now who are feeling the amazing new vibrations which have entered your world and it is so pleasing to see that this is of help to some of you. It is not to be expected that all of you will take advantage of this wondrous happening, though each one that does will find a peacefulness overcome them. And this will be the start of a great experience for them indeed, for we know beforehand just who will take this into their hearts.

Many thanks go to ones like you who are willing to be of service to all others, and it is never wasted believe us when we say that. There is always someone who will awaken because of the vibrations you send out and it is always a pleasure to see this happening.

Gone are the days now when you have to think regarding old hurts and memories which can be unsettling, for all this is a distant memory for you and your team. So just always live for this moment and be happy in the knowledge that it all was there for a purpose, but now it just as easily can vanish out of your memory bank. It is a wonderful thing to get to this stage, but always remember to exist in this very moment, for it is the only one that you have. It is exciting though to realize just what you have now become aware of, for you can simply abide in a sea of love, as we do. And for the rest who have not yet awakened, do not despair, for their time will definitely come just as yours did my dear, never fear otherwise.

There are many Beings who come from afar who are being of assistance to mankind as it stands now. Their whereabouts are unknown to you at this stage, but they are of the greatest love, and they fill your universe with this amazing vibration of Love so as to clear away much debris which hangs around your circle. It matters not where they come from, what does matter is the energy that they bring with them. It is helping your people, never doubt that. They are amazing Beings of Light and it is simply their intention to give of themselves for the greater cause.

We also come from afar and we bring you all tidings of love and caring. Your world is not our world. Your beliefs are not our beliefs inasmuch as we have different goals than you do have. We here, are blest with a wonderful powerful knowing that there is life ongoing, and as such we strive to be at one with all. And for this reason we try, even though we come up against discord at times, to bring attention to one and all of you, that this life you are living now is not the be all and the end all of your existence. It is simply a ruse and it is very limiting and limited.

We have come from a distant place and we are appearing before you now, as this is a time of great intrigue on your planet. We have fond memories of a time when we scanned across time to be with you on a previous occasion, but nothing could surpass the total joy we feel at having reached and connected with you at this given time.

Many moons have come and gone since our last connection, and yet we feel in a strange way, that it was only yesterday. We have been watching your planet of late with some concern, as all is not well there, as you all know. And the reason for this is we believe, that time has not taught you much. And we speak very liberally when we use this phrase. For to be one of many is not an easy thing, and yet we feel that if you all could stop one minute and contemplate this, then you may come to realize the futility of the situation. But it does not need to be this way at all. And the reason why we say this is because you are not just one amongst many. You are all joined by invisible threads and it does not matter how much you may pull hither and thither, you will not break free of this connection. And neither would you wish to.

But the sad part is that some cannot accept this connection or look upon themselves as a part of one whole. They do therefore stand alone against the world. But this is certainly doing it tough, as you would realize how much strength there really is in numbers. Nobody needs to be an island and stand alone. Strength and healing come through love you know. Everybody needs love to survive and to grow within themselves. So we are coming today to bring a suggestion into your lives. And it is with humility that we do so, for it was through humility that we came to know true Love. Unconditional Love. It was born to us out of humility and having the ability to see all those around us as a tangent of ourselves. Another part of us, as we are all made up of many, many parts, some good and some not quite as good, but nevertheless still all parts of us.

When you can come to understand all this, to accept that you are all one, and to drop the unwanted pride, then the rest will flow through very easily. And the quickest and surest way to heal your planet at this point in time is to all band together in love and understanding and to work as one toward the one goal – peace and love and genuine caring for all others.

So why do you persist in trying to outdo the other or to rule another? Do you not know even yet that that is so much a waste of time?
You are not your brothers keeper no, but you are your brothers heart beat. And whatever ill you do to another, you are really doing it to yourself. For we are all tied together into a web of wonderful vibrations. Where if we are kind to another, for example, that very vibration or emotion if you will, that you inspire in them, strengthens as it flows back into your very own being. It is also true for any negativity you may inflict on another. These are not idle words, this is fact.

For the River of Emotion is a tangled web of intrigue, yet once you understand it, that it is the major component of the Laws of the Universe, then you certainly would endeavour to live your lives with utmost care. Not to cause harm or disharmony to others. For in actual fact, by doing so you cause an about face in your own evolution. And this is something which you would need to take seriously. For your whole reason for being there is to progress forward to the extent where you know and accept in your very being that you are at one with Our Creator.

This is your reason for living, even though while you are striving towards this aim, your soul does want to experience all scenarios and all emotions, in order that it does become all knowing in all things. It cannot know anything without experiencing it first, and so it aims to know life on all of its many levels. And when this has been accomplished, it is ready then to return back into the Sea of Love from whence it came.

But this can only occur when it is free from negativity. It is up to the individual how long this takes. For some become so sidetracked worrying too much about worldly gains which are ultimately useless to them, inasmuch as when all is said and done they will leave the planet without them most definitely.

It is not wrong to seek pleasures, it only becomes wrong when they are pursued at the expense of another. What we are trying to tell you here is to enjoy your lives, but do not lose sight of the bigger picture. Do not lose sight of Who You Are and What You Are. You are not these weak little human beings that you believe yourselves to be. You are enormously wonderful and powerful Beings of Light, who have simply gone to visit there for awhile. You are already all that you can ever be. It has just all slipped your memory for a time.

But you will all return back to The Source from whence you came. Just when will depend on yourself alone, for everybody’s mission for themselves is different.

But ultimately we are all yearning to find that love, that very powerful Unconditional Love which rises above all other emotions. We are yearning to first understand it fully, to feel it within our very beings and to then live it. For once we can really live it, then we will know deep inside that we have reached home. That we have come home to stay. That we have fully and freely united with our Source. For then we will know not only that we are Him, we will know how it feels to be Him. And that is the reason for all of our journeys and for all of our searchings, to realize this.

…………This has indeed been a pleasure. We travelled this distance in but an instant and we are bonded with you in Love through all eternity. We are your brothers. What an honour to come to you all today, and we leave with our blessings.

Our Friends From Afar, The Star Gazers, ~~ We Are Each Others Heart Beat, all Intricately Melded into one Great Energy Field of Love ~~ 26.9.05

Backdrop 5  We are all in this together and even though we are all residing in different spheres, we are all intricately melded into one great energy field of a love unspoken of. For we have not yet come to an understanding of what this entails. We are each The Creator’s brainchild, each and everyone of us, so how could we ever be anything but this perfect Being He has created in His own image. To be all we can be is our goal, but for you it is much simpler than that, for you have a dream of giving to one another in a way that will bring you all into a merging into the Light. We are your friends from afar. Watch for us and you will know that we are there amongst you.

We are coming from the ethers and you have our blessings to record this message we are giving you, for the good of you all. It is not a mystery, it is a jubilant fact that we have this communication with you. Life is a mix of experiences which we may all choose to have in different time zones = and we have the advantage of being in a higher dimension to your current one. That is not to say that you are disadvantaged in any way. It simply means that you are where you are by choice, just as we are here by choice. The only difference being that we have a knowledge, or a greater understanding of the intricate workings of the expansive wonderment of it all – and you do not.

And the reason for this is quite simple. You all had the courage to put yourselves in a place where you would need to work harder to achieve your goal. You didn’t want it handed to you on a platter. You wanted to bring forth the skills to prod and probe, and to find out for yourselves what life is all about. You were much more adventurous than us and it is to your benefit that you do this. For it opens up your energy field to expansion as nothing else could.

What is life anyway? It is ongoingness. It is eternal and it is fruitful. It is all there could ever be. But it is also a compulsion to become greater than we are at this point in time. To be more loving, more caring, more compassionate toward each other. To bring forth the gift of sharing, of learning and then of teaching.

We are all in this together and even though we are all residing in different spheres, we are all intricately melded into one great energy field of a love unspoken of. For we have not yet come to an understanding of what this entails.

And yet, we have for a time drifted away from the comfort and the security of this Great Rock of ours, Our Creator. To explore on our own, other wonders we have not yet experienced. For this is a way in which we can come to understand more fully just how powerful we really are. And just what we can achieve by using that power for the benefit of ourselves and others. It matters not how we go about it, for in the end it will all be achieved in a way that leaves no doubt that we really are all divine, all invincible, all pure love and all God. We are each His brainchild, each and everyone of us, so how could we ever be anything but this perfect Being He has created in His own image. And that makes us all Beings of Love. Love in its very purest form. It is unconditional love, my friends. It is just that. Remember this and rejoice.

We come from a far away place and it is our intention to be of assistance in your time of need. It is purely love in our hearts which draws us to you at this time, as we have the greatest of love for the beings on your planet.

And we bring news of wondrous things from where we abide in our Sea of Love. To be all we can be is our goal, but for you it is much simpler than that, for you have a dream of giving to one another in a way that will bring you all into a merging into the Light.

And that is not so far removed from our goal, even though the way we partake in it is so different. For us, there is Light all around us, and we even are able to draw on it at a moments notice = but for you there is a plan behind your efforts to be all you can be.

We are not of your world, and we never have been, but where we reside is not such a stretch away. We are coming to you now, on this day, to be of help in your search for peace and love. For where we abide it is always forthcoming, and there is never any need to go searching for it. We are blest in a way which brings never ending joy to all of us.

But on saying that we are also aware of your sometimes plight, and also of your search for peace on your Earth. So let us begin by saying to you now that there is always peace to be found, and it is often found in a way where it is least expected to be. We are not overly conscious of the ways and the whys of it all, but we do have a knowing of the powers of love and of the consequences of this very sublime essence. And also of the results that you are able to see, once you go the way of it. That is not to say that your way is flawed by any stretch of the imagination. But what we are referring to is a way by which you would be able to reach your goals earlier and not later.

We live on a time line, and we see it all as it swirls before us, but the fact of this is such that we are pre-warned and predestined. Yours is a different type of world, and the ways of it are vast, so to be able to reach your perspective is simply by going down a road well travelled.

We are surely coming from another sphere and it is our intention to draw love here with us, and surround your planet with it, allowing it to permeate through the atmosphere with the hope that the individuals will pick it up and take it into their own hearts.

For your Planet was not always as it is today – this was not the intention of The One. But things happened which drew the lower vibrations your way, and it will only be through Love that it will be healed.

The minds of those on planet Earth are so complex that it is very hard for those of us who are endeavouring to bring a peaceful vibration or energy into the minds of many.

But may I say that there are many of you there at this time who have volunteered to devote your time to freeing those beings from their own negative vibrations and thoughts. It is not an easy task, but it is not impossible, as many of you do know the amazing power of prayers and of sending out peaceful thoughts of love. There will come a time when all of this anger and hatred will fall away and what will be left will be as Our Creator intended. For all to live in peace and to show love and caring for one another.

We are the Star gazers, your friends from afar. Watch for us and you will know that we are there amongst you.