The Emissaries of Light and Love ~~ The Entire Universal Wonders Uncovered ~~ 5.11.19

  Group angels 2The most amazing and wondrous File of intrigue and wonder that man shall ever set their sights upon has been uncovered. And within these bindings of worth are the entire Sheets of Knowledge that have ever been accumulated, guiding loved ones into a lull of knowledge and security forever more. And it is displaying the most wondrous event the World shall ever know. Displaying symbols of integrity and worth in complete and utter symbolic mystical intrigue where each one brings you a further vital form of knowledge.

And what all of these signify is the Entire Universal Wonders which are in existence — past– present– and forever.
They are the Living Proof of what the Entire Life Process entails or consists of. And they are the immense and wondrous silent memoirs of all of the powerful and unyielding traces of forever time and substance. This information would have continued to gather up dust, but for the want of a conduit into the wonders that it all be.

It is foreign to all of you thus far, though once revealed it shall cause such a furore that all of Life there on your Planet at this point in time, shall be transformed into it’s fullest entirety, and into a most significant existence. A Magical and Majestic existence – which shall become forevermore a euphoric wonderland, where all of life shall exist in harmony and utmost love, completely undefined up to this point in time.

There shall be magical enactments beyond your wildest dreams and the Power of Love shall reign supreme in all of it’s many facets and entitlements. Born to be loved and to give love, shall be the mindset of all of life, and it shall have a ring of magic to it.

We see joy and utter Bliss to follow always, and we see Peace and Love spreading eternally over your Earth once more. It is said now, and it is complete. You have all conquered your dreams. There is nothing more to be said, except The Father is very well pleased.

The forerunners to all of this shall lead the fold into this abyss of peace, proprietary, freedom and joy. And it shall be for one and all of you – the Magnificent Wonderland unspoken of in years gone by. For there would be no one who could have prepared themselves for this majestic encounter a forehand. But there shall be a bombardment of these treasured and magical gifts and wonders, which shall become in fact the everyday occurrence for one and all of Earth’s Children.

There is a determination by which many of you are displaying your Innate beneficial Intelligence in such an efficient way that it will carry within it a solid foundation. And this will bring forward an amazing scenario which you will take as knowledge — along with your already powerful beliefs. And this will carry you forward and through that door which is a Myriad of Holy and wondrous scenes and scenarios which is fired up with majestic and powerful embodiments of beauty and pleasures for all to partake of.

There has been an awesome spreading forth of wholesome Love amongst those there who are beginning to feel the impact of — and the joyful awakening belief that there are many wondrous things on display now, and that it has all come solidly and strongly to within their reach. They are calling on their own Higher Intelligence now, to be present and in co-existence with their very own person.

There is a strong indication that you are all on a precipice now, and that you will never fall off it, so have no fears of that our dear ones. For we here are also sitting on that precipice with you. And we are surrounding you all with a special Light each and every day, and with much Love, and urging you on to be proud of who and what you are. And also of what you have already achieved. This speaks for itself dear ones – and it is only now a matter of time before your whole world becomes a radiant wonderland for you all to enjoy and love.

But there are also others who are not as knowledgeable as some, and they are yet to be fulfilled. And so we are spreading forth afield, what can be described as a flow of energy beyond their own dreams. Which will become as a guidance for each and everyone of them to become as a Carrier Pigeon on high, taking up the vibrations on offer to them. And this will cause an amazing opening up in their personal growth dear ones. For this smouldering energetic force is being rained down on them as an awakening tool for them to become engrossed in, and to then take action for their very own pleasure and gain. It is something by which they will be able to draw from, should they desire. And it will all eventually become as an inferno, which will light up the Heavens, showing them that Our Creator is always a Presence in their lives Who is forever more a Tower of Strength, bringing joy and Love and abundance into their lives.

So be proud all of you, of your own actions and efforts. It has not gone unnoticed or unrewarded. It is spoken of now. So go forth and prepare yourselves for The Creator’s Gifts to be rained down upon you. For there shall be nothing ever that could be compared to this. And become a Beacon of Receivership for all of these wondrous gifts and entitlements. Your journey shall become a reality. We are all waiting for this, our bright stars.
So go spread your wings and fly, fly, fly.
Sent with love from all of us.