The Light Bearers ~~The Halls of Amenti ~Infinite Knowledge of the Highest Form ~ 26.9.2003

26.9.2003. In my meditation on this particular morning, I went very deep and had some very unusual and powerful experiences. I felt energy pouring into my crown chakra and I could actually see it pouring in. It was reddish orange and yellow, luminous and beautiful. Then I saw a Golden Chalice overflowing with liquid. And later I was shown a Castle. So I had a conversation with Spirit as to what all of this meant. And so I began my intriguing journey into uncharted waters with Spirit, who have taught me many wondrous Truths. And for years this information that I have been receiving from that day on, had to remain unspoken of, but now I have been told that it is time for me to begin to divulge some of it to humanity as a Whole.


What a marvellous meditation you received this morning. We were all there with you guiding you through it. And wouldn’t you know that we were all being given directions from The Higher Power. It is understood that today you were sent through an enclosure and out into a vibrant new space where you have not trodden before. The opening of which is guarded by Beings of Light. It is from here that all information flows, and your wisdom has called for being presented into these chambers. Information was being given to you on a very high level.

We are being sent to guide you further as you travel onwards, and we know you will use this information in the best possible way, in order that others may also be taken through those doors. It is not that we have misgivings, as you have always shown trustworthy tendencies, and you are being guided as to what to do with this information entrusted to you this day.

All we can say is that we have knowledge of greater plans you will carry through, and we always do give our blessed encouragement to you with the highest intentions possible. Our love for you is abounding may we say, and we are sure that you will take every opportunity to be of service to others, and to share your further knowledge with them, should the opportunity arise. What a happy event this has turned out to be. And should you seek to come with us once more to this wondrous place, you do know that you need but ask.

It is our wish that you receive as much wisdom as you possibly are able, and all plans for this will be enforced by us, with the blessings of The Wondrous One. We do presume that you will take advantage of this wonderful offer, and we do bestow our blessings on you and encourage you to be the very best that you are able to be. Make no mistake, we would never judge you, though we do believe that you are being ushered towards a very high ideal. And as we are always sending love and guidance you way, we do feel that your search for the now unknown will present to you a mighty unfolding of many secrets. Which have been kept safe for future times, inasmuch that people like you, who trust their guidance, will endeavour to bring it forward at the appropriate time, for the benefit of all of mankind.

And not for a chosen 20 or 30 people, but for all to gaze at and wonder at. We encourage you to look further, and with our total help, we will guide you as to when and what to do with all that you will come to acquire and know. We have been sending our Special Angels to you, giving you a loving perception of what will be required of you, and I say to you now that we can see that all will come to be as was initially planned by you, and by your many dear ones who offered to be of service to this cause. You are searching for the truth and you will find it.

Am I imagining all of this. This is all totally beyond my comprehension.


You have doubts we see. That is a natural thing, but do not put human doubts into this. It is apparent to us that you are searching for an explanation. You are a strong individual who is searching for the Truth, and you will find it. To pass it on to humanity as a whole. Our love for you is sincere and we all stand guard over you.


Was I guided somewhere today in my meditation? I had a sensation of something being poured into my crown. I could actually see the flow of deep coloured energy, and it continued on for quite a while. It was reddish orange, and yellow mainly, but very beautiful. And I saw a Golden Chalice which was overflowing with liquid.


Today you went into the Halls of Amenti, where all knowledge is kept in the highest order. It is not ever presented lightly, not without first an understanding of what is referred to as Infinite Knowledge of the Highest Form. We have been keeping this information from you to date, as you needed to go through each level of knowledge, until you formed an understanding in your mind of the intricate pattern that is woven together to form the basis of the absolute wonderment which we know of as God. The Chalice presented to you this day was filled to overflowing, and it sent a message to you that you are now regarded as a Special Being of Light, and that you are more than capable to carry out your special task while still on the Earth Plane.


Was the reddish orange and yellow energy flowing into my crown, Knowledge then?


You have now been gifted with wondrous information, which you will use to the best of your ability, for the assistance of all others who would search for it. We come as Light Bearers, and we share this information with you. You have been honoured with a gift and we trust that you, with our guidance, will use it wisely. We have much knowledge to bestow on you, and we have given you permission that you may return at any given time to be presented with further knowledge.

We have been shown that your very powerful beam of Light will energize many, and we feel secure in the fact that our gift will be presented to one and all, in a way which will further our plan for all of humanity. It has not been given to be thrown to the wind, it has been given for evolvement to follow the knowledge. And you have been chosen to take on this task, as we have knowledge of the Higher Plan.


And what was the brown Castle that I was shown also in my meditation? What was it representing?


You have gone to the pinnacle of the pyramid, and there is no room there for fear, for you truly know that you are invincible, and that nothing or no one can hurt you. Fear is not in your vocabulary anymore. You have risen above it. You trust in The Divine, and what a happy place that is to be.

You will be able to topple the balance and bring information out of your memory bank in an instant. This information given is so exact and extreme that some would use it to the detriment of the whole Universe.

It needs to be given at a pace where all can be comfortable with it, and come to terms with it, as some of this information in the wrong hands would not be used for the good of all. Your mind is now like a computer. You touch a key, and whatever you want to come forth will “print out” out of your memory bank and into your mind.

This has been a combined effort for sure. We all have your interests at heart, and take much pleasure in presenting you with your message today. Call on us always for help when needed. Go in peace now and stay happy dearest.