FAITH HOLDS THE KEY ~ Inspirational Speaker and Channeller – Val Fabian of Australia


Val  Fabian~ 12. 5. 13

We have here a Bible of sorts, and it is not the kind you are used to, for this holds the key to all of life as it now is, and as it will be in time to come. For in this Bible lies a truth unknown to man as yet.
We are now about to bring forth something which will put you in a tail spin, but believe us that it is indeed a wondrous thing. And who’s to say where this wondrous truth may lead you all, as mankind now is opening up to beliefs which have as yet been purposely held back. I have here with me now a one who has much information to give which may lead on to a scenario whereby all of you will be wondering just what it is that indeed you are doing there. For be it known to you all that what it is, is something that you are totally as yet, unaware of.
These sheets I have before me now are said to contain secrets regarding life as a whole. And it is something that will entail much searching for some, whole others will simply go beyond that and will see where this is a probability. But that will all be in a days work, for we know that in time this will be broadcast as being a life changing Knowing, and it will suffice all of everything else. You have in you now a complete knowledge of these wonders, and it will be up to you to bring it all forth in a way that will be acceptable to one and all. For be it known to you that this will take much of your time, and for this reason we will be sending a one, who will be willing to be of assistance be it needed. I have much confidence in your ability and for this reason the plan is now about to proceed as we originally spoke of.
You are now on a journey of choice, though it was not one that was not fraught with problems. But now the gates are flung wide open and you barely will have the time to wonder at what is taking hold of your life. Be as it may my dear, we all stand behind you 100% as you know. So be inspired by this and fear not of anything. For we are a Band of Angels sent by The Lord, to be of assistance to you, and nothing will hold us back. Stay secure in your beliefs and go forward as planned, knowing that the truth will always rise up and be jubilant. My love is with you always. I am one of your Angels my dear, full of love for you and yours. Believe in yourself, for you are indeed the one chosen for this wondrous work. It is now yours to be brought forth.
Go in peace always wondrous one.

These truths will inspire people and lift them up the ladder of life, in a way that will bring peace and love into their lives. Be it known that all have this power inside them, and this will inspire them to bring this power forth, and to go into untroden waters. For it will guide them into seeking what their paths entail, and will enable them to carry out to fulfillment, exactly what it was that their soul dreamed of happening. So be it.


Archangel Michael 7